ACCT201.ZIP 104274 02-21-94 Accounting 101 v2.01 is a simple, menu-driven double entry accounting system for individuals and small businesses. Use either account name or number when selecting accounts. Extensive help windows. ACE102.ZIP 137995 04-16-94 Annuity Ace v1.02 Immediate and split annuities (Savings, IRA, 401K, etc). Tax analysis, COLA, Loads, Inflation Detail is monthly, annual, whole dollars, etc AMOIT20.ZIP 362911 09-02-94 AmortizeIT! 2.0 DOS/WIN a fast, flexible, easy to use loan analyzer. Includes a schedule + 6 calculators: loan, refinance, remaining balance, accelerated payments, interest due & balloon payment. New features! ALSO International Currencies & Dates!! ANYPIA.ZIP 450930 07-22-94 How to compute your benefits from Social Security- straight from Internet Social Security Administration. AUTO-INS.ZIP 16400 02-22-94 Massachusetts auto insurance guide BANK22.ZIP 217511 11-19-94 Bank Investor (v 2.2) - home accounting prgm maintains and reconciles bank accounts, gives overdraft warning, budgets income/expenses, prints checks on any form provided in English, German, Spanish, French, or Italian. Includes many financial functions. BANK23.ZIP 219899 12-10-94 Bank Investor (v 2.3) - home accounting. See README.1ST file for full description. BF328G.ZIP 123684 09-02-94 Big Fin financial program v3.28 Financial calculator par excellence BILLDR3.ZIP 614049 05-28-94 The Bill Drawer - Organize Your Bills This program organizes your bills by due date, company and category, then gives you powerful features to pay and print checks. Shareware. BILTM312.ZIP 273211 06-30-94 Billtime version 3.12 BOOKEEPR.ZIP 98404 04-02-94 Simple Bookkeeper - is an accounting system for small businesses. It keeps track of purchases, expenses, sales, income, profit and loss for a one year period. BUDMKR11.ZIP 274779 08-29-94 Budget Maker Version 1.1 makes it easy to create and maintain a home budget. Shareware version requires VBRUN300 and Windows 3+ CASHF351.ZIP 480918 03-16-94 Up Your Cash Flow is a financial planning program that predicts a business' future profit/loss and cash flow requirements in both spreadsheet and graphic formats. UYCF is ideal for securing bank loans, writing business plans, and anticipating problems.ASP CBPLUS57.ZIP 340424 06-04-94 CHECKBOOK PLUS v5.7 ASP Full-featured cash management and budgeting system that helps you master your financial affairs. Handles multiple accounts, account reconciliation, and memorized transactions. CB_101.ZIP 20710 01-18-94 CB 1.01 Quick and dirty checkbook reconciler includes C source. CCMATH.ZIP 118607 06-28-94 Credit Card Math - Learn why it takes so long to pay off credit cards. Find out how to save thousands of dollars in credit card interest. Credit Card Math goes behind the scenes. CGZ40.ZIP 1370238 11-27-94 Capital Gainz v4.0 - Investment portfolio manager. Ideal for dollar-cost averaging. Record purchases, sales, dividends, capital gains, splits. Multiple portfolios. Calculate performance and total return. Print reports for one or more portfolios/securities, over range of dates. CHECK404.ZIP 248100 05-28-94 ExpressCheck 4.04 - Completely menu driven easy-to-use checkbook manager. Screens look like actual Check and Deposit slips. Up to 90 different accounts, 200 budget cate- gories. QuickFills for fast two keystroke entry for any type of transaction. CHECKS75.ZIP 308104 05-11-94 The speech friendly, free, great and full featured Talking Checkbook version 7.5! Written for folks who rely upon synthetic speech output to access info, but works for all! CHF108.ZIP 126458 06-05-94 Loan Chief V1.08 ASP Loan Calculating Has Never Been This Easy! Professional Schedules With A Multitude of Options: Weekly - Annual, Variable Rates, Loan Acceleration, Tax Analysis, Variable Payments, etc. CHKBKV2.ZIP 66437 02-21-94 KSH Software Checkbook/Credit Card Organizer V2.0! The long awaited release is here! Uses the Turbo Vision windowing environment. Supports Microsoft Mouse! Keeps track of multiple checkbooks and credit cards! Easy CHXMST65.ZIP 250351 01-05-94 CHEX-MASTER Check/Financial/Budget/Small Business Management System CMPLUSA.ZIP 276776 10-10-94 CheckMate Plus v1.60A is "checkbook-based" accounting package that's easy enough for home use and powerful enough for business.1/3 CMPLUSB.ZIP 350370 10-10-94 CheckMate Plus v1.60A 2/3 CMPLUSC.ZIP 85072 10-10-94 CheckMate Plus v1.60A 3/3 CREDITFI.ZIP 368527 06-04-94 PEGASUS SOFTWARE'S CREDITFIX - THE ULITMATE CREDIT REPAIR KIT DEMO - - - - ANIMATED SLIDE SHOW DEMONSTRATING some of the features of this quick & easy method of Credit Repair. CREDITV1.ZIP 33023 05-25-94 How to fix BAD CREDIT with a NEW clean credit file. v1.0 CS3.ZIP 235379 02-21-94 CheckStar III-personal and small business financial management program featuring user- oriented menus, any format check printing, reports and accounts reconciliation. Mailed by the author - Salim Sindhi Shareware Version 4.03S CS4DEMO.ZIP 110826 02-21-94 Demo version of CheckStar 4.0 -personal financial management program.Mailed by author CSAM21.ZIP 113402 10-08-94 Csamort V2.10 ASP Performs Loan Amortization Schedules And Automatic Payment Calculations. Contains A Number of Options For Special Mortgage Loan Calculations. CURCON.ZIP 323962 07-12-94 Curcon - is an easy-to-use utility for converting currency values of 19 different countries. An update screen is provided to allow modification of exchange rates. DBT124.ZIP 106561 04-15-94 The Debt Analyzer v1.24 ASP Hopelessly in debt? A package designed to help reduce and eliminate debt and save you hundreds of dollars in the process. EASYATM.ZIP 155674 01-06-94 EasyATM v1.0. Allows for the quick, easy and error-free completion of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) deposit-payment envelopes. ECON-FAQ.ZIP 49420 08-23-94 Data and other information resources on the Internet for Economists. More about sources of economic data than you ever wanted to know ETAX.ZIP 96178 05-05-94 E-TAX - ELECTRONIC TAX TRANMISSION TO I.R.S. Approved tax transmission program for anyone with a modem, fax, or phone. If you use a commerical tax program to prepare, then consider useing E-TAX to transmit. EZCREDIT.ZIP 151182 11-01-94 E-Z Credit Kit 1.0 menu driven credit counseling software for DOS. EZL1.ZIP 59783 11-08-94 Ezledger disk 1 of 4, see readme EZL2.ZIP 240821 11-08-94 Ezledger disk 2 of 4, see readme EZL3.ZIP 318323 11-08-94 Ezledger disk 3 of 4, see readme EZL4.ZIP 265238 11-08-94 Ezledger disk 4 of 4, see readme EZX40.ZIP 169236 04-04-94 EXPENSE TRACKING V4 Keep track of home or business expenses.- For budgeting and tax reports. FAPRO14A.ZIP 253327 03-15-94 FAPROA v1.4 ASP - File 1 of 2, Fixed Asset Pro is a comprehensive fixed asset management system. For example, provides 38 US Tax Law depreciation methods with on-line help. FAPRO14B.ZIP 223867 03-15-94 FAPROB v1.4 ASP - File 2 of 2 FBK510G.ZIP 350113 03-03-94 FastBucks Finance Manager ASP version 5.10G Supports 25 each Checking, Charge, Savings Misc expense, cash, other asset and other liability accounts. FC5000.ZIP 147940 04-15-94 Fred's Checkbook! & Financial Consultant - is a checkbook and home accounting program in the style of a checkbook register. FFGOLDA.ZIP 342521 03-31-94 FINANCIAL FREEDOM GOLD - VERSION 1.0 ASP 1/2 Features unlimited bank accounts, automated reconciliations, budgeting, check printing, strong reporting options, online help, etc. FFGOLDB.ZIP 285658 03-31-94 FINANCIAL FREEDOM GOLD - VERSION 1.0 ASP 2/2 FLAP201.ZIP 166714 03-16-94 Maintenance upgrade of Flap 2.0 mortgage manager as result of user input. FP_KWIK.ZIP 621873 06-21-94 FPLAN-KWIK FINANCIAL & RETIRE 1.0 ASP Fast Subject/Total Per Financial Planner- Personal Financial Planner for Budget, Education, Retirement, Taxes , Life Insc, Estate, Disability, etc. Planning. HCB10.ZIP 35388 07-31-94 HCB Home CheckBook v1.0 Dos based, No frills, easy to use checkbook balancing system. HOI11.ZIP 658644 07-23-94 HOME INVENTORY V1.1 ASP - Adds insurance and and unlimited number of dates to a basic tool for organzing personal or business property data by location and type for tax, warranty, or maintenance purposes INT234.ZIP 151455 04-15-94 The Interest Analyzer v2.34 produces professional schedules and illustrations for savings, annuities, loans, mortgages and depreciation. Tax analysis, COLA, the works! Save and restore multiple clients. Side by Side comparisons. Illustration detail is monthly - annual, calendar or fiscal. Dir 12 JF0394.ZIP 76318 02-16-94 Paradox DOS Report Designer Converts Paradox Currency to text string for printing on a check KEEPTRAK.ZIP 245881 01-24-94 KeepTrak Home Accounting package. LAPCEXE.ZIP 174765 07-30-94 LAPC- LOAN ADVISOR FOR THE PC Calculates & compares loans for dec. making- LAPC calculates fixed rate loans up to 50 year term allowing the user to compare terms LEASING.ZIP 115237 05-24-94 Should you lease or buy? WFW 6.0 files. LOAN202.ZIP 70541 08-06-94 HOME LOAN Diary v2.02 - Mortgage diary. LOAN24C.ZIP 87568 02-12-94 Loansmgr V2.4 - it is A Powerful But Easy to Use Program For Dealing With Most Consumer Loan Situations. Use The -D Option When Unarchiving With PkunZIP to Properly Process. LOANL20.ZIP 97448 01-08-94 GENEBIT LOAN CALCULATOR v2.00 - pro quality. Calculates payments, total interest, prints amortization tables. Variable rate loans, excess payments, actual dates. Fast, easy Supports mouse and international currency. LWMD311.ZIP 186643 10-01-94 Lifetime Wealth Management Version 3.11 The Successful Investors Program for Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net Worth, Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds Portfolio Management Database with performance Graphs.